Saturday, March 30, 2013

Two Days without Light

I have a small measure of what it meant to be without light for 2 days. On the 3rd day, the Lord rose from the dead to see the light of day again. For the past 2 days I have been trying to prepare for the Resurrection Sunday sermon but thus far nothing seems to gel and there is still no message.
How can one run unless there is a message? A message from the Lord? How can one run unless he is sent? It's not that I have not experienced this before. There are times the word of the Lord only comes an hour or two before I rose to the pulpit. I have a small note book with me all the time, as the Lord speaks I write and as the Lord teaches, thus I shall speak and this will I say. Often times it is not just the preacher but the those to whom the Word of the Lord is directed. If they are not worthy there will not be a word from the Lord. Even as Ezekiel the prophet warns those prophets who speak a word to the idolaters whose hearts are not right and on that account not worthy to be recipients of God's Word. I will wait to see what happens tomorrow. It is with fear and trembling I will go in the power of the Lord, bringing blessings or judgment according to the will of the Lord. Kyrie Eleison!

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