Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Gospel of Matthew in a Nutshell

I have been in some sort of dilemma and predicament for 6th year in a row, how best to teach four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in 14 weeks, 3 hours per week over the course of one Semester. Today I have just finished the Gospel of Matthew and I gave 3 weeks for the first Gospel.
I told my class of 40 students that at most they know 10% of Matthew's Gospel in these past weeks and it was my hope that you keep up their readings (3 more articles for next week's readings) and have a good solid commentary by their side as they study each Gospel. But it was fun time for me though, tough as a nut for me personally to expound on the Matthean Jesus and elevated rhetoric of Jesus' teachings as portrayed in the Sermon on the Mount and very much everywhere else throughout the Gospel. Yet it was fun because I have such a sense of joy in teaching and imparting precious truths to my students and also share with them my ministry experience with them how best to apply Jesus' words in the modern world. And today as usual on a Thursday the conversations carried on in my Family Group from 11:30am and we ended at 1pm talking about things divine from Creation, Original sin to "Zionism", etc. It was a spiritual feast of delight in God's Word from early morning to early afternoon and few things in the world, here and now can beat the joy of conversing in the truth of the Lord, now and forever more.

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