Friday, May 9, 2014

John's Gospel: Politics of Place & Radical Discipleship

I have been in and out of the library whole morning. I have decided what I wanted to do for the next 6 or 7 weeks before bidding farewell to TTC's magnificent library. I should have been more bold and asked the Principal for life-long membership during last Monday's farewell or at least for the next 6 years, one for each year of my service here. I knew there is plenty for me to do but I need to get cracking and hone in to a topic of research. The Gospel of John it will be. I read this remarkably refreshing essay by Jeffrey Staley, "The Politics of Place and the Place of Politics in the Gospel of John", in Segovia (ed.), What is John? (SBL, 1998) where Staley shares his experience of moving from one place to another.
I am also reading Howard-Brook, John's Gospel and Radical Discipleship where in another essay I found out that Howard-Brook had an "experience" with the Lord and gave up his legal career to identify with the disenfranchised and the social outcasts of his community. How refreshing to find scholars who are prepared to share their personal experiences and yet solidly exegetical and insightful in their interpretation of John's Gospel.

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