Monday, November 3, 2014

Ranau Again?

If I accept a Christmas' preaching invitation to Ranau, it will be my 3rd time there in as many months. It is simply incredible how this township and its surrounding churches open their doors to the ministry of the Word. I very much look forward to serving the Christian community there as pastor among the Dusuns of Ranau. For my denomination, Ranau is a historic place where the Gospel found its first converts in the late 1930s when a Baptist minister by the name of Trevor White (Asang) first preached the good news among the Dusuns. Now that the wait is over and I am in transition waiting to move to a new place by year's end, I can start planning for my ministry in a rural setting. It is not exactly far off as the church I shall be pastoring is right in the town centre. If I go up this Christmas I may stay back and start a week earlier just to give myself extra time to settle down before the New Year.

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