Friday, January 16, 2015

In Sickness & Health

I did not make it to the end of my first month in Ranau before visiting the doctor today. My elder who is like a father figure to me advised me to see a doctor since my throat has been sore for 3 days. I am a little concerned whether I could preach this Sunday, so I went to the Ranau hospital and duly paid my RM1.00 registration. It was excellent service as I waited less than 5 mins before being called.
There were two doctors on duty and I was given 5 types of medicine including antibiotics which I had not taken for more than 10 years. I had learned my lesson. No more cold showers. Ranau has been gloomy all week and today we saw bright sun shine for the first time in 7 days. Even the locals told me they had not felt so cold at night for years. Tomorrow if I get better I will attend a pastors' fellowship in the morning and in the evening I will meet with my worship team. It has been tough on the worship team as our stage is small and only 2 or 3 persons could play music on stage with the singers lined up at the side just beside me who as pastor is expected to sit in front. This Sunday will be the first Sunday the students will attend in full force since school term started late this Monday in view of the floods in West Malaysia. As I am only preaching in the first service this week I pray that my health holds and my voice could project God's Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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