Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Worshippers

I opened the church gates at 7.15am today and streams of students began coming in and by 7.40am the church hall was almost full. We had to open the music room at the back and the kids went to their Sunday school in another room of about 6 feet times 20 ft long. Every space was filled and we sat right up the stage and there must be 150 adult worshippers in the first service and 100 more in the 2nd service. I preached only once at the 8am service from Psalm 3 about David's running from his son, Absalom.
It was a lot of materials to cover in 40 mins but the biblical narrative is so dense and intriguing that most must have been alert and wanting more not because of the preacher's ability. It was an emotional high roller coaster as David lost two sons and one daughter to rape and almost lost his own life to his ambitious son. Yet David pulled through at the end with his reputation in tact, not least as a man after God's heart.

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