Tuesday, February 23, 2016

In Faith & Truth

I preached from 1 Tim 2,1-7 this morning. Normally for morning Chapel 3rd and 4th year students preach but after consultation wth colleagues I decided to give myself a slot on Tuesdays,  pesanan dari pemangku. I explained 3 verses, the first couple of verses on praying for the nation and its leaders given the Malaysian political and economic situation caused by numerous scandals in the past year. Second and significantly I preached on verse 7 that Paul claimed that he was a preacher and teacher to the Gentiles in faith and truth. I told the COLLEGE community that every servant of God must be one who has faith in God and in Jesus Christ and in his power and grace to save those who come to Him. How else can we preach faith if we ourselves had not experienced the wonder working power of God? I challenged the students to rely on God and not men. I told them that I had never asked anything for myself in ministry even for ministry needs or theological education.
I shared with them that how at the end of 1998 and beginning of 1999 I had NZ 300 left with me to feed my wife and child in New Zealand when I had just commenced my postgad study in biblical studies. But God proved to be strong and faithful. Throughout 1999 I received monies from Malaysia which sources I did not know. And how by early 2000 I was awarded a full scholarship by the university over 3 years to pursue a PhD. Next I shared about the need for the study of Scripture thoroughly because Jesus said, Your Word is truth and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. I shared that every word of God is inspired and is worthy of study. I explained why Paul insisted that he was telling the truth and not lying. Perhaps his opponents accused Paul of making up stories of his call and ministry. After 15 mins of sharing  I asked them to pray for Malaysia and the College. We broke into groups of 4 or 5 and praise GOD that for the first time the whole community gathered and prayed in unison. At 8.30 am after a 7,50 am start we ended our Chapel service (photo: students waiting outside the chapel door at 7.25am)

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