Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Happenings at College

I have to rush to complete my lectures on Trinity as my next writing assignment focuses on the two papers for SBL International in Seoul. Yesterday I chaired a 3-hour long meeting as there was much to discuss from the time-tabling of courses for 2nd Semester to the Open Day/51st Anniversary celebration. I want the Time-table out by next week, two weeks before the close of the Semester. Previously, students have to wait to find out when they return for the next Semester. Planning well in advance is not a strong suit for some, and I have to push a few things through seeing that my time here at College is nearing its completion. I hope to continue to serve at the College but it is not in my hands to determine the outcome. Many are the plans of men but the Lord's purpose will prevail. As we are celebrating Labour's Day and it is customary that we show appreciation for our full-time workers or pastors in churches or College.
As the Acting Principal, I rather not initiate this appreciation day but the College's Treasurer brought it up with me first and a senior colleague explained that it had been done for years with SIB's top leadership approval. Even then I had to look at the College finances. We will honour the College's lecturers in our own way and it is good for the students to learn that full-time workers will be honoured accordingly by God's will. We will have a special ceremony next Tuesday after my homily for that.

It has been a flu season with several students and faculty colleagues falling ill. After the long drought and then heavy downpours and now hot and dry again, even the young men and young women of strong bodies could not cope. So I thank the Lord that I have been well all these times though my struggle with allergy and cold for 3 months when I first took up the Ranau's pastorate last year still lingered in my mind. Lord I thank You for You are my healer and deliverer. Take nothing for granted.

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