Tuesday, June 7, 2016

New & Old Ministry

It came just as dramatic as when I was first appointed AP. The Deputy President announced it in his closing speech at Long Mio on Sunday that I would be staying on at College as lecturer and i told him that the incoming Principal would take over this Friday. I thank my Deputy President for accompanying me for the whole journey of 3 days to and fro Long Mio and we enjoyed wonderful fellowship and travelling together. It was a remarkable gesture because he only gave a 10 min speech but stayed back and listened to me preached 4 times. I am touched by his humility and servant attitude and example which he showed in great abundance.
It made it a lot easier for me to accept the appointment and as a good servant of the church I gladly and quickly accepted. Now I have to return to College tomorrow to clear the Principal's office and moved my books to another place. I will find myself a little space in the library. The whole College community was informed this morning through our whatsapp group though the four students who were with me at Long Mio probably had whispered the news to their comrades earlier. Those who are directly affected by the change of leadership I had earlier informed them via phone calls and whatsapp. My new ministry beckons and I can focus now solely on teaching and I hope writing papers and booklets on various theological topics. In a way there is some continuity in what I shall be doing but in more ways than one it is entirely a new proposition. Except for the first year of my ministry 22 years ago I had never occupied a ministry position without direct leadership responsibility.  But what a relief. Leadership is not something I crave but it is a calling, a vocation and a burden.

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