Friday, August 12, 2016

Light at the End of the Tunnel

In Seoul there are many roads that go through tunnels and some of them through hills and mountains. In our Christian life sometimes we have to go through tunnels. There are many mountains to climb and when we see a way through we take it by the grace of God. Lord you let us escape like a bird from a cage....I have been waiting and waiting on the Lord for a way out. It has been 1 month and 1 day since I took all my books from the College. Since then I have been waiting to see what the Lord will do. Often as a foot soldier we depend on our generals to act for us.
For the last 2 days we have been listening to sermons on fathering and fatherhood. Leaders are fathers and I am their child, and I depend on them to decide for me. What they decide I take it as God's will for my life and ministry and oh how important to have leaders who can hear from the Lord and make right and just decisions for those they lead. But they are our fathers and we are their children. Only just I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel. My tunnel experience has been long and painful at times but our faith can move mountains. May God's name only be glorified. His name is one echad and His Messiah is coming soon to establish His just reign and peace will rule over all.

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