Tuesday, December 26, 2017

3 Sessions in 30 Hours

As these were my last Christmas sermons for the year I gave it my all. No wonder my former church member once told me that every sermon pastor preached was like a revival sermon in KKR. I am glad when I was pastor I only preached alternate Sunday as there was no way to sustain an all out style of preaching week in and week out. But within 30 hours in Sandakan I had preached 3 long sermons, the first 55 minutes, Christmas Eve one whole hour and Christmas Day I told myself I won’t go past 45 mins but it took two extra minutes as I finished off with a testimony. On Christmas Eve I would not have preached that long if I knew after my sermon there would be 5 or 6 more presentations.
I thought only the women would sing and dance as there were already three presentations before the sermon. Pity the kids who had to come up after 10pm but they were great and I think because of the Christmas Eve excitement. I think there must be a reason the longest was reserved for the Christmas Eve night as the attendance was highest among the 3 services with about 700 people in the Sandakan Community Hall. But the three sermons took a lot out of me and even now I felt an exhaustion rarely experienced. Even my wife felt sick just coming along with me and she deserved my highest praise as she also accompanied me twice to Pitas with 14 hours on the road to and fro. Well, I will rest in the Lord and may His Spirit rejuvenate me as I plan to start writing again forthwith.

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